Robert M. Pressman

Robert M. Pressman

A bald man with a beard and wearing a white shirt

Robert M. Pressman, PhD., ABPP

Director of research for the New England Center of Pediatric Psychology and Co-

Author of The Learning Habit

Dr. Robert M. Pressman, director of research for the New England Center for Pediatric Psychology, is board certified in Family Psychology and the author of ten books on psychology and parenting. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, Society of Clinical Psychology, Society for Child and Family Psychology, Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Society for Family Psychology, and the Society for Media Psychology and Technology.

Dr. Robert M. Pressman’s main research interests are childhood ADHD and parenting.  He is credited with the discovery of Faux ADHD in 2011, a non-neurologically based attention disorder related to bedtime routines. His research for the last two years has resulted in The Learning Habit study, the largest and most complex study of family habits and routines in the history of the Unites States. With nearly 50,000 participants in more than 4600 cities and towns throughout the country, Dr. Robert M. Pressman and his team were able to identify the parenting style and “best practices” that produce children who are successful both academically and socially, as well as well-balanced emotionally. His team of researchers from Brown University’s Alpert School of Medicine, the Children’s National Medical Center, Brandeis University, and New England Center for Pediatric Psychology, worked with over 10,000 pages of data analysis to produce The Learning Habit study.

Those results are presented in his book, The Learning Habit.  Dr. Robert M. Pressman has been prominently featured in the Boston Globe, New York Times, APA Monitor, American Journal of Family Therapy, NBC News Education Nation, CNN, Good Parent Magazine and other informational venues. He is currently a columnist of Psychology Today and a regular contributor to